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Present in all major towns occupied by outsiders, it is the most common way for people to earn a living. Every seller/trader has found a way to have is own little business in the market place. Some sell food that they grow on their own farmland, others are scavengers that venture into abandoned cities to collect valuable items that they can later exchange or sell. Some specialize in weapon maintenance while others sell geographical maps of nearby regions with pertinent data. The marketplace is full of characters selling all kinds of stuff. 

Since the outbreak, the lack of government and any form of security caused the survival instinct of any civilian to surface. Grouping up in small towns and defending their territory from the infected, many civilians managed to survive. Those living outside the walls of the Federation are often people that were denied entrance to a colony mostly because they didn’t qualify for any positions currently available in the survivor cities. As much as they’re not fond of the Federation, they do not have an intense hatred towards it, those who did, however, quickly joined the Operation for the Apocalypse. The structure of a town inhabited by outsiders often vary from one another but in general, a security perimeter is maintained by older veterans (too old to join the San Francisco Force) or anyone possessing experience with guns. For most places, there is a certain number of residents but for most, the population of the town consists of soldiers (Federation and undercover OFTA followers), mercenaries and mostly ordinary travellers. The ambiance of the town is one of the few things that could remind someone of the days before the infected. Most of the towns have a marketplace with sellers/traders, businesses such as bars, weapon shops, disposable facilities, solar power/water centres and much more. 

Any form of society must have some sort of currency if they want to be able to grow and be organized. The most common form of currency outside the Federation walls are ammunitions. Shotgun shells, handgun ammo, sniper bullets, even arrows and crossbow bolts have a value. In this time of war, of despair, you need ammunitions if you want to be able to defend yourself from the infected or even from anyone with a weapon. But that’s not the only form of currency, some people trade services, or products such as food/water, equipment and other stuff. Federation credits are also given out by soldiers stationed outside walls for personal services and also by the Federation looking for extra man power for some tasks. In general, people accepting payment in Federation credit are people who are paying for someones rent in a colony. (example, Liam & Gillian for their family in Long Beach).



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