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When the first strain of the virus started to spread by airborne means, the United States Army Force was deployed in contaminated regions to contain the plague.  With the help of the first responders and the local police, the military quickly set up quarantine zones to isolate the first infected. Equipped with gas masks, the military was able to have some control over the situation until they realized that a second strain was being spread through bodily fluid. By the time this became official information, a lot of the military personnel was unknowingly infected as well. At this point, the chain of command started to crumble,  a lot of soldiers deserted their position, others disobeyed when it came to desperate measures that were ordered as a last resort to minimize the infection. The army ordered total cleanup of the infected zones using execution at gunpoint and even carpet bombing the entire city.



SAN FRANCISCO FEDERATION, often simply referred as "the Federation" is the newest government set in place after the downfall of the United States of America. A dozen survivor cities are part of the Federation and each share the same army. Training young recruits to join their ranks, they slowly travel the country, securing important cities with potential resources. William Jackson, the first president of the Federation has set as a goal for the country to have multiple autonomous survivor cities that will gradually clear their regions of the infected so the country can be united at once. Unfortunately, they face a lot of setbacks because of different OFTA attacks on their structures and railway.  

"That glimpse of hope people are holding on to... We will give it a meaning. From the ashes of the United States of America we will rise. This is a new era and the Federation is the new hope that the people of America need."  -  President Jackson at the official openning of the survivor city, San Diego.


As most of the quarantine operations failed, all the soldiers in the nearby regions aborted all quarantine/rescue mission and isolated themselves into safe camps they built or completely left their position and traveled away as a squad fighting for their own survival. Other than San Francisco, there no longer was any American structured military. Some considered OP. SF 12 a disaster and a great loss of man but no one denied the impact that the courage of all those men had on the future of San Francisco. Shank considered this operation a success as, even with the loss of every man initially sent on the mission, a few camps with soldiers were found and ordered to relocate to San Francisco. For the most, it was a relief to learn that some kind of leadership was still in place giving out orders. Driving through all the major west cities, the word quickly spread out that some sort of government was still and that San Francisco was alive... The first real safe zone. 





motion. It was decided by Shank that 12 squad would go search for reinforcement and resources. Each squad was driving a functional military Humvee thanks to their EMP proof design. They had as an objective to search the neighboring cities for remaining US military personnel as well as resources to help protect and improve what was now known as the First Colony, San Francisco. 





The army ordered total cleanup of the infected zones using execution at gunpoint and even carpet bombing the entire city. One of the few city to be fully cleansed from the infected was San Francisco who quickly cut off access to their land by blowing up the Golden Gate Bridge and the Oakland Bay Bridge. They had an easier time with getting rid of the virus in part because ExUS, a private military company, was deployed in the region to help with the operation. 

Soldiers deployed to contain the virus.

A week after the release of the virus in America's atmosphere, missiles were launched from what seemed to be Russian ships in the North Pacific Ocean. It is assumed that they were NEMP (Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse) weapons, as right after the nuclear blast, an EMP shockwave shut down most of the electronics on the continent. This assured the downfall of the United States of America as we once knew it. Following those events, no news was released from the government in place. Every high member of the United States went into hiding and left the country and its army with no chain of command.

With almost all the communication down and a lack of command from the US army, the remaining military personnel teamed up with the ExUS contractors who, unlike them, had still a type of leadership. Peter Shank put himself in charge as he already was the ExUS operation leader and organized the resources needed to survive before reinforcement arrived. He assigned soldiers to several different entrances of the city and ordered a "shoot on sight" protocol. The severity of the situation left no room for mistakes.


This went on for weeks but Shank realized that they wouldn't be able to survive with this plan mostly because the migration of infected towards San Francisco kept on growing and there was not enough manpower to defend every border to the city.  As much as the decision was controversial, Operation San Francisco 12 was put in 

Soldier applying the "shoot on sight" protocol.

The twelve squads quickly succumbed to the plague, others encountered belligerent forces but couldn't put up much of a fight because of how exhausted they were while one other squad gave up on the mission and deserted the force. 


San Francisco welcomed an average of 50 soldiers every day for two years, some of them arriving quickly as they had EMP proof transport vehicles while other groups had to walk for months hoping the rumour of a First Colony was real. 

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